miércoles, 28 de mayo de 2014


Teach your students some Tongue Twisters like "She sells", "Peter Piper", "Fuzzy Wuzzy" or "Woodchuck". You can practise them in class and once the children know them well enough you can do a Tongue Twister competition in class! They love it!

lunes, 26 de mayo de 2014


Today I would like to share this Rene Maufroid's page that has got lots of resources for teaching English in a fun way. It has got stories and online games of infinite topics that will be very catchy for your elementary students.


Click here to visit: Rene Maufroid's page

Welcome to Miss Adri's English page!

Dear visitor, 

I am very glad you had the chance to visit my blog. 
In this page I will share with you some interesting ideas about teaching and learning English. As you can imagine, we'll learn English in a FUN way. This is the main idea. The more fun we have the more we will learn. It is all about involving feelings in the activities and you and your students will learn more, more and MORE!

I wish you Happiness, Creativity, Patience, Empathy, Optimism and ENERGY. 

Miss Adri.